2024-25 录取流程| M.S. in Physician Assistant Studies

博天堂官方入口登陆登录医师助理研究硕士课程要求获得学士学位, 满意地完成了先决条件课程和直接的病人护理经验. 该计划不分种族,一视同仁地考虑所有合格的申请人, color, 信条, 性别, 年龄, 性取向, 婚姻状况, 国家或民族出身, 或者法律规定的不妨碍医师助理执业的残疾.

博天堂官方入口登陆登录利用医师助理中心申请服务 (CASPA) to collect admission materials, which will be forwarded to the university.

Covid-19 impact on admission:

  • 以及格/不及格(不含字母成绩)的成绩成功完成的前提课程将被接受.
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  • 四月下旬CASPA开业
  • October 1: Application Deadline; all required application materials including a verified CASPA application are due
  • September through December: Virtual interviews conducted
  • September: Offers begin as interviews are completed

预计在整个面试时间内,座位仍将保留. 有32个可用.


所有的先决条件课程的完成与C或更好的入学前要求. 运动机能学、运动科学或营养学的课程不满足先决条件. 建议在申请时不超过两门预备课程.
  • 一学期解剖学** (within 5 years of matriculation)
  • 一学期生理学** (within 5 years of matriculation)
    • **也接受:A&pi, a&p2序列
  • 微生物学
  • Two Semesters Biological Science - Electives could include 普通生物学I and II, 遗传学, 细胞生物学, 免疫学, 内分泌学, or other upper division biological science related to medicine.
  • 四学期化学 - Suggested course options include general chemistry I and II, 无机化学, 生物化学, 有机化学. Upper division courses are highly recommended.
  • 两个学期 - Suggested course options include general psychology, 发展心理学, 寿命心理学, 变态心理学
  • 〇一学期统计 任何学科
  • Other courses highly recommended for success in PA education: 病理生理学、医学术语、流行病学、药理学、外语
  • Additional Information About Prerequisite Coursework:
    • 有竞争力的候选人必须完成为理科生设计的生物科学和化学课程.
    • 调查课程可能无法提供研究生教育成功所需的深度和严谨性.
    • 接受社区学院和地区认可的四年制学院的课程.
    • 强烈建议在生物科学和化学课程中使用实验室.
    • 在过去五年内完成生物科学和化学的先决条件优先.
    • All prerequisite courses must be completed with a "C" or higher. Note that a "C-" will not be accepted.
    • AP courses are accepted for general psychology, 普通生物学I, general chemistry I and statistics. AP courses must be listed in CASPA and included on university transcripts.
    • The 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 MSPAS program will not accept transfer students or transfer credits for any required course in physician assistant studies. 接受该计划的学生必须完成所有必需的医师助理课程. Advanced placement will not be granted for any reason, including prior academic studies or professional experience. Only full-time students are admitted to the program. 


This worksheet is for planning purposes only. It is not necessary to submit the worksheet.

Download 先决条件表 PDF

博天堂官方入口登陆登录MSPAS计划不接受转学生或转学分的任何必修课程的医师助理研究. 被录取的学生必须完成所有必需的医师助理课程. Advanced placement will not be granted for any reason, including prior academic studies or professional experience. Only full-time students are admitted to the program.


  • 验证CASPA 应用程序: 10月1日到期
  • ​Three letters of reference: preferably 从 a college instructor, 有工作经验或临床志愿者经验的主管,以及医疗保健专业人员,如PA, NP, MD或DO. 推荐信 must be submitted via CASPA.  All letters submitted will be considered.
  • 官方分数 报告 一个 下列考试中:
    • 官方GRE成绩报告 submitted directly to CASPA (Code 0409). Only scores sent to CASPA will be considered. The most recent GRE scores will be used. GRE exams must be taken within the last 5 years to be valid.  There is no minimum score required.
    • Official PA-CAT score 报告 submitted directly to 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 (Code WI4902). The most recent PA-CAT scores will be used. PA-CAT exams must be taken within the last 5 years to be valid. There is no minimum score required. 
  • 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 Supplemental Application $50.00费用: 在您选择卡罗尔在CASPA的申请后,将通过电子邮件向您发送付款链接. 这可能需要几天的时间. 获得CASPA费用减免或麦克奈尔奖学金获得者的候选人可以获得额外的费用减免. Please provide this documentation to the admission office at painfo@k6x8m.com
  • 学士学位: 学士学位必须在入学前由认可的机构授予.
  • 平均绩点: CASPA calculated cumulative GPA and science GPA of 3.如果是4,0或更大.0规模.
  • 病人护理经验: A minimum of 500 hours of direct patient care experience is required. 有行政工作经验,如医疗记录员、理疗师、ABA治疗师等, or 在实习或观察的学生,将不被接受为病人护理经验.
  • Knowledge of the PA Profession: 考生充分理解医师助理的作用是很重要的. 虽然这种理解可以通过很多方式获得,但花在实习上的时间是非常重要的.

Additional Information about the Selection Process

The selection process for the PA program is highly competitive. Each application is evaluated on individual merits. 提交的材料将用于评估申请人在项目中的潜在成功,基于:

  • Proven academic performance and potential
  • Knowledge of the PA profession
  • Work, community service and other experiences
  • 推荐信
  • Personal statment and essays.
个人面试将提供给最合格的申请人,并将帮助委员会评估各种非认知因素, including interpersonal skills, 个人的成熟, 动机, 以及生活经历. Applicants may not be accepted without a personal interview.


学生不需要从博天堂官方入口登陆登录获得学士学位, but those who do will receive additional admission consideration.

Individuals who have a commitment to diversity, experience with improving healthcare to those in need, demonstrated leadership and service activities, overcame barriers to education (cultural, 家庭的例子), 并且在课外活动中表现突出的成绩也会获得额外的录取考虑.


Accepted students are required to have completed a health screening, 更新后的免疫接种, tuberculosis screening according to current Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations for health professionals, criminal background investigation, and drug screening as required by internship placement sites. 在下述情况下,将逐案考虑免疫要求的例外情况, 例如, a student has an allergy to a vaccine or 一个 of its comp一个nts. If an exception to the immunization requirements is approved, 大学不能保证其附属医院和诊所将允许学生参与病人护理, 该项目临床教育的基本要求是什么.


  • 通过国际信用评估直接发送给CASPA,并将非官方副本发送给博天堂官方入口登陆登录,完成认可机构的学士学位或同等学历的证明文件.
  • Proof of English proficiency. 请参考 English Proficiency Requirements.
  • Proof of citizenship, permanent U.S. visa or visa appropriate for education
  • Statement of financial sponsorship


  • 如果在美国或加拿大的学院或大学没有接受过英语大学的初始教育,则需要三(3)小时的英语写作
  • 所有非加拿大国际毕业生必须提供至少20小时的成绩单,以反映在经认可的美国大学学习的自然科学课程.S. 学院或大学. These hours must include a full sequence of anatomy & physiology and microbiology.

看到 博天堂官方入口登陆登录's Office of 国际 Education for more information about international admissions.


Questions can be directed to PAinfo@k6x8m.com.